Become an Operation Hood Volunteer!
Operation Hood cannot operate without our wonderful volunteers, and we are always need of more! We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities and try to match each person's skills with the activities they most enjoy. Time is a gift and we appreciate your willingness to help us continue to make a difference in the lives of so many innocent cats in our community! Volunteers of any age are welcome. Volunteers under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
Different Ways to Help
We need folks to research new ways to raise funds for the organization and take the initiative to make it happen. Got creative ideas for fundraising to bring awareness to our mission? Fundraising is another opportunity for those with limited time to help. No role is to small when it comes to giving of your time and all help is greatly appreciated. All ideas are welcome!
Transporters are a vital part of our organization and serve in many areas helping cats along their journey to a forever home. Our spay/neutering appointments are local and our dental procedures are done in Richmond. The Richmond transport is usually an all-day transport. We often need assistance with having cats transported to and from local adoption events as well.

Foster homes are critical to the mission of Operation Hood. We seek to place cats who are not quickly adopted or who need some extra TLC into loving, responsible foster homes so that they can become ready for adoption. Often, all these cats need is someone to spend a little time with them and to advocate for them at adoption events. Being a foster mom or dad to a litter of kittens or a mama cat with kittens is a wonderful experience, and critical to the little ones’ lives. We also need foster parents to care for our older and special needs cats. Short term fosters are needed as well for cats who have been spayed and or neutered that need a few days of peace and quiet, food, water, and a warm bed to rest to recover. All supplies can be provided to the foster parent to care for the cat(s).
If you are familiar with grant writing and can help us seek out and capitalize on funding opportunities…WE NEED YOU! With no fundraising staff, we need help securing grants from all sorts of organizations and government agencies. If you can assist (especially if you have grant writing experience), your gift of time could enable us to secure more funds to rescue more cats.
Are you passionate about community cats and TNR (trap-neuter-return)? Interested in sharing with others about community cats? TNR? Educating others on the importance of TNR and it's benefits will help make the world a better place for community cats! Reach out and share your ideas! We are in this together and share the vision to make a difference!