Commonly referred to as “TNR,” (trap, neuter, return) is the only method proven to be humane and effective at controlling feral cat population growth. Using this technique, feral cats in a colony are trapped, neutered and then returned to their territory where caretakers provide them with regular food and shelter. Young kittens who can still be socialized, as well as friendly adults, are placed in foster care and eventually adopted out to good homes.
TNR has many advantages. It immediately stabilizes the size of the colony by eliminating new litters. The nuisance behavior often associated with feral cats is dramatically reduced, including the yowling and fighting that come with mating activity and the odor of unneutered males spraying to mark their territory. The returned colony also guards its territory, preventing unneutered cats from moving in and beginning the cycle of overpopulation and problem behavior anew. Particularly in urban areas, the cats continue to provide natural rodent control.
Another significant advantage to TNR is that, when practiced on a large scale, it lessens the number of kittens and cats flowing into local shelters. This results in lower euthanasia rates and the increased adoption of cats already in the shelters. TNR is not just the best alternative to managing feral cat populations – it is the only one that works. Doing nothing has resulted in the current overpopulation crisis. Trying to “rescue” the cats and find them all homes is utopian and unattainable given their numbers and the futility of trying to socialize most of them. Trap and remove, is simply ineffective unless the cats are in danger and their source of shelter and food is no longer available due to land development etc.
If all the cats are not caught, then the ones left behind breed until the former population level is reached. It is very important when doing a mass trapping that colony care takers monitor the are for any new unaltered cats that may show up. Even if all the cats are removed, new unneutered cats can move in to take advantage of whatever food source there was if food is continues to be provided, and the cycle starts again. This explains why more and more animal control agencies are willing to try TNR.
Recovery Care for Cats in Humane Traps
Trapping Tips & Tricks
Before trapping a cat it is best to secure a TNR appointment if possible. Resources for TNR appointments are listed under our Community Resource tab.
Trap Training 101
Trap training for Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) is a process that involves putting food near a trap to train a cat to enter it: Secure the trap: Raise the front door of the trap Place the trap: Put the trap in the cat's territory, near its feeding area Put out food: Place the cat's food on the ground a couple of feet away from the trap's front door Repeat: Keep putting the food in the same spot until the cat starts eating it Move the food: Gradually move the food closer to the front of the trap Trap the cat: On the scheduled trapping date, bait the trap and set the trigger when the cat is used to eating