Message from Our President
Deb Bryant
For decades, the corner of Jefferson Davis Highway and Hood Drive in Spotsylvania, County Virginia served as the dumping ground for unwanted cats. Sadly, most of these cats went without food, lived without shelter, received no medical attention when injured, nor received love and affection. Ultimately, many of these cats died of starvation or illness. Those that lived produced offspring and the population grew out of control. When volunteers first began the Operation Hood effort on January 2, 2016, many wondered how they would deal with the heartbreak, neglect, and devastation that they witnessed at the colony. The area where the cats lived resembled a junkyard; old trucks, cars and travel trailers littering the landscape and hundreds of discarded PVC pipes laid all over the business property. The old sheds on the property served as “shelter” to the hundreds of cats. The cats had no food or water bowls therefore when they were fed they are from the ground. Many of the cats were filthy, often covered in mud. Some are emaciated and sick looking.
Operation Hood immediately reached out to the community for insulated shelters and food for the cats. They developed a feeding schedule to ensure that cats were fed and provided fresh water daily. Soon afterward, volunteers began trapping the sickest cats. Their illnesses were treated, and the cats were either adopted or placed in long term foster care. Operation Hood makes every effort to place those cats that are tame into foster care until they can be adopted into a loving and permanent home. Those that are feral or cannot be tamed are released into “The Fence”, a protected and volunteer-maintained piece of property surrounded by a ‘Purr-fect’ cat fence that includes permanent insulated sheds, feeding stations, and outdoor litter boxes.
At present the colony on Hood Drive has been relocated. The current land owner has been cooperative in allowing Operation Hood volunteers to monitor the site until the land is sold. In January 2018, our goals within Operation Hood shifted to focusing on trap-neuter-return (TNR). Our mission is to work with in our community to educate others on the purpose of TNR and why it is important. Operation Hood is also working with local shelters to assist with issues within the community to help make a difference in our area. We continue to reach out to the community to assist with community TNR efforts.
As an all-volunteer organization, we cannot survive without your support. Donations are needed for food, medical attention, spaying/neutering, and vaccinations. Any contribution will make it possible for us to continue this life saving work. Thank you for your generosity and your kindness. We are forever grateful to you.
Deb R. Bryant
President, Operation Hood Inc.
Operation Hood immediately reached out to the community for insulated shelters and food for the cats. They developed a feeding schedule to ensure that cats were fed and provided fresh water daily. Soon afterward, volunteers began trapping the sickest cats. Their illnesses were treated, and the cats were either adopted or placed in long term foster care. Operation Hood makes every effort to place those cats that are tame into foster care until they can be adopted into a loving and permanent home. Those that are feral or cannot be tamed are released into “The Fence”, a protected and volunteer-maintained piece of property surrounded by a ‘Purr-fect’ cat fence that includes permanent insulated sheds, feeding stations, and outdoor litter boxes.
At present the colony on Hood Drive has been relocated. The current land owner has been cooperative in allowing Operation Hood volunteers to monitor the site until the land is sold. In January 2018, our goals within Operation Hood shifted to focusing on trap-neuter-return (TNR). Our mission is to work with in our community to educate others on the purpose of TNR and why it is important. Operation Hood is also working with local shelters to assist with issues within the community to help make a difference in our area. We continue to reach out to the community to assist with community TNR efforts.
As an all-volunteer organization, we cannot survive without your support. Donations are needed for food, medical attention, spaying/neutering, and vaccinations. Any contribution will make it possible for us to continue this life saving work. Thank you for your generosity and your kindness. We are forever grateful to you.
Deb R. Bryant
President, Operation Hood Inc.