Donations Save Lives
Your support keeps our mission and cats alive...
Medical CareYour support helps with the following medical care:
Trap-Neuter-Return: spay/neuter, vaccines
Wellness: vaccines, blood work, exams, etc Emergency: surgery, treatment, overnight hospitalization, etc Medication: post-op treatment, dewormer, flea/tick, etc. TNR Wish List
Food & Basic Care Wish List
Facebook FundraisersYou can create fundraisers for Operation Hood on Facebook. To create a fundraiser:
Every Can Counts Recycling ProgramDo you recycle and want to help make a difference not only in the environment but also in the lives of the cats in our community? If you would like to donate cans please drop them off at Summit Recycling and let them know it's for Operation Hood. Check out the Summit Recycling website for a complete list of items they accept.
Donate Your CardDonate unused gift cards online. You can now exchange your unused or partially used gift cards to benefit
Operation Hood lists 100s of popular merchants and restaurants. Learn more and make your donation now ... Let's Card Party Learn more about asking guests to bring cards ... |